Thursday, 24 November 2011

Example of sound on a animation

This is an example of how sound works in animation, this is a episode of Tom & Jerry.  It works well because when stuff happens the sounds effects and the band that play the music make the animation work well.

Tom and Jerry The Bowling Alley-Cat by itzblog

Thursday, 17 November 2011

My Model Based Animation

This is my example of model based animation, we used plasticine  to make this.

Titles And Credits

I used the program Imovie to create this short animation, I added a title and credits to the animation.  I did this by dragging the animation to the video bar, and then added a title and credits by putting the title box in front of the animation and then credits to the end of the animation.

Model Based Animation

Model based animation, is when you make a model out of lego or plasticine, and there are other things you can use.  The camera you use is horizontal, then to make the animation, with the model and move it model bit by bit to make it look like a animation.

Model Based Animation Example

This is an example of model based animation

Thursday, 10 November 2011

My Model Clown (plasticine)

This is my example of a plasticine model, it is a model of a clown.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Pixilation Based Animation

Example Of Cel Animation

When someone says the word "cartoon," what we see in our head is usually cel animation. Cartoons today rarely use the pure cel animation of the past, instead employing computers and other technology to help make the process better. There is 25 frames per second in cel animation, they made it by using clear plastic over a piece of paper, which has a drawing on it.

Our Video Of Cut Out Animation

This is our video of cut out animation.